During the COVID-19 pandemic, church members Phil and Susan Thompson built a food box to help provide nonperishable food and personal care items to anyone in need. The box is located in the south church parking lot (small lot near the light at 55th street) and has become an outreach ministry for Holy Trinity Lutheran Church.

The church continually collects and stocks items for the Food Box.
Non-perishable items needed are cereals, pancake mix and syrup, crackers, stew, canned meats, tuna, ravioli, spaghetti, peanut butter, jelly, soups, canned fruits and veggies, rice mixes, noodle mixes, snack bars, jarred baby food, etc.
Personal care items needed are soap, shampoo, deodorant, toothpaste, laundry detergent, feminine products, toilet paper, paper towels, etc.
If you would like to donate toward the Food Box:
- There is a large plastic bin by the bulletin boards in the main hall of the church labeled “FOOD BOX”. Please place your items in the box.
- Monetary donations can be made via the Giving Page on our website (scroll down to select the HTLC Food Box option) or through check/cash. Please make checks payable to “Holy Trinity Lutheran Church” and write “Food Box” on the memo line.